A Student who knows that studying is not a process of reaching the Goal.
But studying is itself a Goal, a Student who knows that studying itself
is important than the goal is an Ideal Student.
Yes Friends, I am going to talk about an Ideal Student.
As Lord Krishna says that Knowledge is itself the reward. True Knowledge
is the only barometer against which we can measure an Ideal Student.
What is this world without True Knowledge? A Suffering.
When the rays of Sun fall on earth the shadows disappear. Similarly when
true knowledge is acquired then the Suffering ceases. But True
Knowledge is only available for an Ideal student. That is the reason why
in our India, Students were first prepared morally and then accepted by
When this student who has been illuminated by true knowledge from a true
Guru walks on this earth then the earths dances with joy to touch his
feet, the trees swing in joy to see him, the worlds shake in respect.